European Scaleup Monitor 2024 - ''Mapping the Recovery Trajectory for Europe's Growth Engines''

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European Scaleup Monitor 2023 - "Cracking the Growth Code: Traits and Strategies of High-Growth Firms in Europe"

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THE SCALEUP REPORT: A Deep Dive into Deep Tech Scaleups in Europe

Download the full report here: https://startupgenome.com/article/a-deep-dive-into-deep-tech-scaleups-in-europe

The sandwich game: Founder-CEOs and forecasting as impression management.

Collewaert, V., Vanacker, T., Anseel, F., Bourgois, D. (2021) The sandwich game: Founder-CEOs and forecasting as impression management. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(1), 106075. (impact factor: 13.139). To download the full article: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/6606

There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip’: HR management practices and firm performance.

Vossaert, L., Anseel, F., Collewaert, V., Foss, N. (2022) There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip’: HR management practices and firm performance. Forthcoming at Journal of Management Studies 59(3), 660-694. (2021 impact factor: 9.720). To download the full article: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/6987

Slack resources, firm performance and the institutional context: Evidence from privately held European firms.

Vanacker, T., Collewaert V, Zahra, S.. (2017) Slack resources, firm performance and the institutional context: Evidence from privately held European firms. Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1305-1326. (impact factor 5.482). To download the full article: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/5629

When Passion Fades: Disentangling the Temporal Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Passion for Founding.

Collewaert, V., Anseel, F., Crommelinck, M., De Beuckelaere, A., and Vermeire, J. (2016) When Passion Fades: Disentangling the Temporal Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Passion for Founding. Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 966-995. (impact factor 3.962). To download the full article: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/5368

Trust between entrepreneurs and angel investors: exploring positive and negative implications for venture performance assessments.

Bammens, Y. and Collewaert V. (2014) Trust between entrepreneurs and angel investors: exploring positive and negative implications for venture performance assessments. Journal of Management, Vol. 40, No. 7, pp. 1980-2008. (Equal co-authorship) (impact factor 6.071). To download the full article: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/4397

Scale-ups and scaling in an international business context.

Tippmann, E., Ambos, T. C., Del Giudice, M., Monaghan, S., & Ringov, D. (2023). Scale-ups and scaling in an international business context. Journal of World Business, 58(1), 101397. DOI: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1090951622000888 Scaling up often means scaling internationally. This paper examines international scaling at three different levels – of an initiative/practice, of a firm/organization, and of an ecosystem – and elaborates the key mechanisms, questions, opportunities, and challenges at each level from an international business perspective.

Which service? How industry conditions shape firms' service type choices.

Visnjic, I., Ringov, D. & Arts, S. (2019). Which service? How industry conditions shape firms' service type choices. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36 (3), pp. 381-407. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1111/jpim.12483. This paper examines how industry conditions shape manufacturing and software firms’ decision to offer services. We argue and provide empirical evidence on how changing industry conditions affect firms’ choices to offer two distinct types of services — product-oriented services and customer-oriented services.

Scaling impact: Template development and replication at the base of the pyramid.

Chliova, M. & Ringov, D. (2017). Scaling impact: Template development and replication at the base of the pyramid. Academy of Management Perspectives, 31 (1), pp. 44-62. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5465/amp.2015.0010. This study examines the distinctive conditions of “base-of-the-pyramid”, emerging markets and the key factors affecting the development and replication of scalable business models in those markets.

Overcoming stickiness: How the timing of knowledge transfer methods affects transfer difficulty.

Szulanski , G., Ringov, D. & Jensen , R. J. (2016). Overcoming stickiness: How the timing of knowledge transfer methods affects transfer difficulty. Organization Science, 27 (2), pp. 304-322. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1287/orsc.2016.1049. This paper argues and empirically examines how the nature and timing of the knowledge transfer methods used by a firm affect its ability to scale.

Generalizing newcomer’s relational and collective identifications: Processes and prototypicality.

Sluss, D.M., Ployhart, R.E., Cobb, M.G., & Ashforth, B.E. (2012). Generalizing newcomer’s relational and collective identifications: Processes and prototypicality. Academy of Management Journal, 55: 949-975. https://journals.aom.org/doi/10.5465/amj.2010.0420 These study shows that, within fast growing organizations, new employee on-boarding is driven by the new employee’s relationship with his/her supervisor rather than what the organization does. Recommends that hyper-growth organizations focus on agile on-boarding processes with the supervisor being the key driver of the process.

Socializing the newcomer: The role of leader-member exchange.

Sluss, D.M., & Thompson, B.S. (2012). Socializing the newcomer: The role of leader-member exchange. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 119: 114-125. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749597812000714 These study shows that, within fast growing organizations, new employee on-boarding is driven by the new employee’s relationship with his/her supervisor rather than what the organization does. Recommends that hyper-growth organizations focus on agile on-boarding processes with the supervisor being the key driver of the process.

Bridging the equity gap for young innovative companies: The design of effective government venture capital fund programs.

Alperovych, Y., Groh, A., & Quas, A. (2020). Bridging the equity gap for young innovative companies: The design of effective government venture capital fund programs. Research Policy, 49(10), 104051. This research identifies the most effective design features of governmental venture capital funds that are created by policymakers around the world to support young innovative companies with the aim of “bridging the equity gap”.

Peer social networks and entrepreneurial passion: selection or contagion?

Becker, K., Ebbers, J.J., & Engel, Y. (2023). Peer social networks and entrepreneurial passion: selection or contagion? Journal of Business Venturing, 38(4), 1-22. In this study, using a stochastic actor-oriented model (SIENA) and four waves of panel data, we test hypotheses about the co-evolution of social networks and entrepreneurial passion during a 5-month startup accelerator program.

Networking behavior and contracting relationships among entrepreneurs in business incubators.

Ebbers, J. J. (2014). Networking behavior and contracting relationships among entrepreneurs in business incubators. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(5), 1-23. This research studies the effects of entrepreneurs who network for their personal gain, and those who facilitate tie formation between others, on the exchange of paid assignments among entrepreneurs within business incubators.

Many roads lead to Rome: How human, social, and financial capital are related to new venture survival.

Linder, C., Lechner, C., & Pelzel, F. (2020). Many roads lead to Rome: How human, social, and financial capital are related to new venture survival. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 44(5), 909-932. This research analyses survival and failure configurations of startups by focusing on the combination of human, social and financial capital and shows when specific insights into opportunities can be effectively exploited by entrepreneurs.

Necessary conditions and theory-method compatibility in quantitative entrepreneurship research.

Linder, C., Moulick, A. G., & Lechner, C. (2022). Necessary conditions and theory-method compatibility in quantitative entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 10422587221102103. This study of necessary conditions allows to understand which opportunities that require stakeholder support can be pursued by entrepreneurs.


Practitioner-oriented reports

Rising Star Monitor Series yearly study capturing key growth challenges of young, high-potential companies.

Rising Star Monitor 2022

Collewaert, V., Manigart, S., and Albuja, A. (2022). Rising Star Monitor. Forging a workforce for the future, Vlerick Business School, 32 pages. Rising Star Monitor 2022. To download the full report: https://www.vlerick.com/en/insights/rising-star-monitor-2022-company-culture-is-the-number-1-criterion-for-choosing-an-employer/

Rising Star Monitor 2021

Collewaert, V., Manigart, S., and Albuja, A.. (2021). Rising Star Monitor. Covid 19, Vlerick Business School, 32 pages Rising Star Monitor 2021

Rising Star Monitor. Venture Financing

Collewaert, V., Manigart, S., and Subotic, M. (2020). Rising Star Monitor. Venture Financing, Vlerick Business School, 36 pages

Rising Star Monitor. A special focus on venture governance

Collewaert, V., Manigart, S., and Subotic, M. (2019). Rising Star Monitor. A special focus on venture governance, Vlerick Business School, 28 pages (ISBN 9789492002136 D/2019/6482/03)

Rising Star Monitor: The many faces of growth

Collewaert, V., Manigart, S., and Subotic, M. (2018). Rising Star Monitor: The many faces of growth, Vlerick Business School, 26 pages (ISBN 9789492002112 D/2018/6482/03). To download the full report: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/6351

Rising Star Monitor: A dynamic view on scale-up practices

Collewaert, V., Manigart, S., and Subotic, M. (2017). Rising Star Monitor: A dynamic view on scale-up practices, Vlerick Business School, 26 pages (ISBN 9789080712102 D/2017/6482/01)

Rising Star Monitor: Providing insight into remuneration and founding team composition of young, high-potential Belgian ventures

Collewaert, V., Manigart, S., and Imhof, Z. (2016). Rising Star Monitor: Providing insight into remuneration and founding team composition of young, high-potential Belgian ventures, Vlerick Business School, 28 pages (ISBN 9789492002082 D/2016/6482/01). To download the full report: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/5689

European Scaleup Report

Collewaert, V., Manigart, S., and Standaert, T. (2020). European Scaleup Report, Vlerick Business School/ScaleUps.eu, 40 pages -> A study mapping scaleups across Europe combined with survey-based insights on their key growth challenges. European Scale-Up Report. To download the full report: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/6627

ScaleUp Dashboard 2023: The Dutch Business Climate Revamping for High Growth

In this report, you can read about the latest developments of the Dutch scaleup ecosystem. How many scaleups are there in the Netherlands and in which sectors? Have scaleups been growing and, if so, at what pace? Most importantly, what is their impact on the economy? Download the report here.

The two sides of sustainable growth: persistent growth and impact entrepreneurship (Top 250 Groeibedrijven 2023)

Curious to know who are the fastest-growing companies in the Netherlands and their recipe for high-growth? The Top 250 Groeibedrijven is a yearly monitor of a group of leading high-growth firms in the Netherlands. This research is the result of a long-standing cooperation between Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, Rotterdam School of Management and nlgroeit. Download our Insights Report here.

Entrepreneurial and Innovation Ecosystem in the Zuid-Holland Maritime Cluster | A Study to Strengthen Regional Cooperation

A collaborative research study with DRIFT, InnovationQuarter and the province was conducted to guide strategic decisions towards the sustainable future of the region. The main results and (policy) recommendations from the research are summarised here, where the full report can be accessed.

Scaleup Ecosystems and The Future of Mobility

A well-functioning ecosystem is crucial for the growth of scaleups, but what are the building blocks of scaleup ecosystems and how can we ensure that it fosters the growth and prosperity of scaleups? At Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, we conducted research initiated by Deloitte on scaleup ecosystems. This study aims to provide a framework to understand how an ecosystem contributes to the growth and prosperity of scaleups. It zooms in on parts of the Future of Mobility ecosystem (i.e. innovative passenger mobility solutions in the fields Green Mobility and Mobility as a Service) to clarify the importance and functioning of the ecosystem for its scaleup companies. The full report (in PDF) can be accessed here

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European Scaleup Monitor 2023 - "Cracking the Growth Code: Traits and Strategies of High-Growth Firms in Europe"

Download the report by clicking the image below